The Secrets To Building An Enduring Jewelry Collection

Quality takes discernment, time, and effort. As such, looking for something as important as unique engagement rings in Singapore or something simpler like the perfect summer outfit will take hours if not days or more of comparing prices, reading reviews, and searching for the best options.

Similarly, building a personal jewelry collection demands the same standards; after all, jewelry can fetch quite a high price, so it is vital to be sure with your every purchase. For instance, if you’re collecting jewelry for fashion, a statement piece like a bejeweled necklace can make or break your wardrobe. Regardless of your intentions for being a collector, here are a few tips on guiding your jewelry choice to build an enduring collection.

1. Ask yourself, “Are you an investor or wearer?”

While jewelry is traditionally associated with fashion, it holds a more significant purpose for those who seek to invest in collectable assets that rival fine art. As such, the first step in building a collection of jewelry is to determine its purpose. Will it complement your wardrobe and fashion sense or serve as a vehicle for alternative investment?

For those who revel in the artistry of fine jewelry and prefer to wear their pieces daily, we recommend starting small with colored gemstones. These exquisite pieces not only add a touch of elegance to your everyday attire but also serve as the foundation for a stunning collection that will stand the test of time.

On the other hand, for the astute investor seeking high returns, auction-level gemstones are the investment of choice. These gems are selected with meticulous care, and their potential to generate positive returns over time is carefully evaluated. Purchasing such pieces requires a deep appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship of jewelry making, combined with an astute understanding of the market forces that shape their value.

2. Take Your Time to Find The Right Pieces

The pursuit of exquisite jewelry is a journey that demands a patient and discerning eye. Rushing to add sub-par pieces to your collection merely for the sake of owning them can undermine the elegance of your collection. Instead, it is wiser to exercise patience and save up for the truly exceptional jewelry.

This approach not only ensures that every piece in your collection is of the utmost quality but also presents an opportunity to discover better deals as you wait for the perfect piece to become available. As you delve deeper into the intricacies of jewelry, you will develop a refined sense of taste and discernment, enabling you to identify and acquire the most exquisite and rare pieces that embody the essence of luxury. So take your time, savor the journey, and create a collection that is truly timeless. 

3. Start with more accessible gemstones

A truly remarkable jewelry collection can be built over time, no matter what your budget may be. For those starting out, we suggest beginning with colored gemstones such as Morganite, or Garnet, to help discover your style and preferences. As your knowledge expands, you can then begin investing in timeless classics such as diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, and Rubies. For those seeking to add an air of opulence to their collection, we recommend exploring lesser-known gemstones such as Alexandrite and Tanzanite, which are prized for their rarity and beauty.

4. Only buy from established jewelers

When investing in jewelry pieces, it's vital to trust and build a solid relationship with an experienced jeweler. That's why we recommend buying only from reputable jewelers with a long-standing history of exceptional craftsmanship and customer service.

By working closely with jewelers like August Bespoke, who understand the importance of building a collection that reflects your unique personality, you can create the collection of your dreams while avoiding any potential pitfalls that may arise from purchasing low-grade jewelry or gemstones.


Investing in timeless and versatile jewelry requires a nuanced approach to ensure your collection withstands the test of time. With the help of the tips above, you should have a better idea of how to start building an enduring collection.

August Bespoke specializes in no less than the finest gems for our jewelry designs. Besides rare and unique gemstones sourced from the world over, we also specialize in lab-grown diamonds to create custom-made diamond jewelry and personalized diamond rings worthy of your forever. Feel free to check out our Instagram page to get a sense of our style and hear more about what goes into our special pieces.

For personalized recommendations, take our 7-Question Ring Style Quiz or book a personal consultation with our team, who can guide you to creating the perfect piece of jewelry you will love for a lifetime.

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